
Huntarr Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance Blood & Roses #1 Age: ?, Height: 8′ 1″ Weight: 485 lbs Affiliations: Marta’s Rogues. Very little is known about this race of predatory aliens except that they came to Earth following the desolation of...

Marta aka The Mistress

Chronus / Time Lords Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance Blood & Roses #2 Age: unknown, Height: 5′ 10″ Weight: unknown Affiliations: Timelords. Long ago empowering themselves with the responsibility of safekeeping the Timestone, this security...

Chronus Time Lord

Chronus / Time Lords Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance Blood & Roses #2 Age: unknown, Height: 6′ 1″ Weight: unknown Affiliations: Timelords. Long ago empowering themselves with the responsibility of safekeeping the Timestone, this security was...


Vanessa Child Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance: Blood & Roses #1 Age: 9 Affiliation: Descendant of Hope LeBeck Child Vanessa is a descendant of Hope LeBeck. She lives in a ravaged era when the Magi-Tech Wars were responsible for the destruction of many...

Tamara Elizabeth Rose

Tamara Elizabeth Rose Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearances: Blood & Roses Original Print Age: 26, Height: 5′ 9″ Weight: 130 Affiliations: Elite Agent of the Timelords. Tamara was a law officer from the future. Born 2183 in Cincinnatus, OH of the...