Banned together from different parts of the world these three are on a mission to rid the earth of the vile creatures called the Soulbreed. Haggard Darkness is a time agent who was trapped in this time when the Infinity Stone exploded. He continues to fight the good...
Hope LeBeck Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance Blood & Roses #1 Age: 22, Height: 5′ 10″ Weight: 115 / Affiliations: MilaLaw officer Hope is the daughter of Selene and Andrew LeBeck, Andrew is a member of StormQuest and was lost in the future...
Christiana Faye Blood Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearances: Blood & Roses Original Print Age: 21 / Height: 5′ 11″ / Weight: 140 / Affiliations: Elite Agent of the Timelords. Chris was reared by her Aunt Eve and Uncle Jude with all of her male cousins in...
Chronus / Time Lords Series: Blood & Roses / 1st appearance Blood & Roses #2 Age: unknown, Height: 6′ 1″ Weight: unknown Affiliations: Timelords. Long ago empowering themselves with the responsibility of safekeeping the Timestone, this security was...