Sketch Magazine #36 Scottie Young


This issue takes a look at comics creator Skottie Young from his unique style of art to handling the art chores on Marvel Comics New Mutants.
Also: (misprinted as #34), Main Interview: Tim Sale, Writing: Rookie Mistakes-Tom Bierbaum, Drawing: Man on a Mission-Mitch Byrd, Advice: Breaking into the Ranks-Roland Mann, Character Design: Classroom Collaboration-Gary Barker, Inkblots-Bob Almond, Digital Publishing: ComicPress-Robert W. Hickey, Coloring: Coloring in Photoshop-Anthony D. Lee

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Print, Digital

Product Description

Featuring NEW MUTANT artist Skottie Young
This issue takes a look at comics creator Skottie Young from his unique style of art to handling the art chores on Marvel Comics New Mutants.
Also: (misprinted as #34), Main Interview: Tim Sale, Writing: Rookie Mistakes-Tom Bierbaum, Drawing: Man on a Mission-Mitch Byrd, Advice: Breaking into the Ranks-Roland Mann, Character Design: Classroom Collaboration-Gary Barker, Inkblots-Bob Almond, Digital Publishing: ComicPress-Robert W. Hickey, Coloring: Coloring in Photoshop-Anthony D. Lee

The magazine sized 8 1/4″ x 10 1/2″
Colored and B&W