Sketch Magazine #7 Chuck Dixon


Chuck Dixon’s work on Marvel Knights and Batman titles to name a few has put him in position as one of the top writers in the industry. With so many writing credits to his name, how does he manage to keep ahead of the game and have time for himself? Find out in Sketch #7 feature interview.
Learn how skills in this industry can be applied to jobs outside of comics with Joe Corroney’s article on his work with trading card games. Tom Bierbaum continues his excellent series of writing articles that we have all grown to appreciate. This and more and be found on the pages of Sketch #7.

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Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions N/A

Print, Digital

Product Description

Chuck Dixon’s work on Marvel Knights and Batman titles to name a few has put him in position as one of the top writers in the industry. With so many writing credits to his name, how does he manage to keep ahead of the game and have time for himself? Find out in Sketch #7 feature interview.
Learn how skills in this industry can be applied to jobs outside of comics with Joe Corroney’s article on his work with trading card games. Tom Bierbaum continues his excellent series of writing articles that we have all grown to appreciate. This and more and be found on the pages of Sketch #7.
Feature Interview Chuck Dixon, Beau Smith Make It a Habit, Tom Bierbaum, Paul Sizer 6 Tips From Sizer for Better Designed Comics, Mike Maydak Comics: Show Me the Money, Article Copic’s Double Vs: Versatility and Variety, Book Review How to Draw Manga #1, How to Draw Manga, vol. 1, Compiling Characters, Logo Design, Submission Guidelines Top Cow, Dark Horse, Joe Corroney The Art of Trading Card Illustration

Magazine sized 8 1/4″ x 10 1/2″
Colored and B&W

I’m the founder, publisher, and contributor to Sketch Magazine.