Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Robert W. Hickey, Bill Nichols, Renea DeLiz, Chris Dreier, Richard Pollard
Creator Notes:
Renea did a great job at drawing the girls
ORIGINS introduces the Heroes of PARADOX WARS with each chapter we introduce Heroes and Villains that play a larger part in the coming conflicts. Darkness Chronicles… Banned together from different parts of the world these three are on a mission to rid the earth of the vile creatures called the Soulbreed. Haggard Darkness is a time agent who was trapped in this time when Infinity exploded. Continues to fight the good fight. Bringing along two younger partners who have had experience in dealing with the Soulbreed or any creature that raises its ugly head.
Characters: Haggard Darkness, Angel Shadow, Midnight Montana, Soulbreed